About Trials@Home

About us
The Trials@Home consortium will explore the opportunities of moving clinical trials from the traditional clinic setting to the participant’s immediate surroundings. These so-called Decentralised Clinical Trials (DCTs) make use of new – digital – innovations and enable participants to visit a clinical trial centre less frequently, if at all.
About RDCT’s
Clinical trials are, and will remain, crucial in drug development and improving patient health. However, (s)low patient recruitment and low retention put pressure on the efficiency, generalisability and validity of traditional, clinical site-centred trials. Decentralised clinical trials (DCTs) hold the promise of solving this problem.
About the ESP & PEP
Throughout the project, we will engage in frequent and in-depth dialogue with various stakeholders, also outside of the Trials@Home consortium. This allows us to incorporate the views and knowledge of such stakeholders including patients, (clinical) researchers, healthcare providers, and more.