EU Remote Trials Project Gets Moving
Diabetes Pilot Will Compare Conventional & Remote Trial Approaches
By Vibha Sharma, Pink Sheet, 29 June 2020

An EU project that is looking to develop standards and tools for remote decentralized clinical trials (RDCTs) has decided on diabetes as the ideal therapeutic area for a pan-EU pilot that will compare traditional clinical trials to fully and hybrid RDCT approaches.
The pilot is a key part of the Trials@Home project that is expected to result in concrete and practical recommendations in 2024 on how drug companies can use digital technologies to move clinical trials from the traditional clinic setting to the trial participant’s immediate surroundings.
Trials@Home is being funded by the Innovative Medicines Initiative – a public private partnership between the EU (through its Horizon 2020 R&D innovation program) and the European pharmaceutical industry body EFPIA. The project involves exploring approaches that allow the widespread acceptance and use of RDCTs, thus reducing the need for a trial participant to visit a clinical trial centre, if at all.

This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 831458. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.
Notes for editors – not for publication
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