Frequently asked questions

See page: About DCTs.
See page: About the ESP.
For more information on the terms and conditions to join the Trials@Home consortium, please contact:
Annemarijn Douwes
She will happily explain you the procedure.
The aim of the glossary is to establish a common language and to aid understanding of key terms that will feature in project outputs. The glossary itself, presented in the document, will be updated during the Trials@Home project so that important new terms can be added, obsolete terms removed, or existing terms updated to significant new insights. This approach has been chosen to reflect the fast-changing decentralised clinical trial landscape.
April 2020 – Identifying existing DCT solutions
In this current stage we are exploring and mapping existing DCT technologies across-the-board in any stage of the DCT.
To support our research we provide the opportunity for companies to submit their technologies through a Request for Information.
Please click here to see if your technology fits one of the categories and submit your information.
All the information about the RfP to complete the technology package for the DCT pilot can be found here. (applications are currently closed)