Full steam ahead for RADIAL trial, all CTIS approvals are in, and the UK is on board too.
Utrecht, 29 November 2023

After the good news that the Danish authorities approved our RADIAL study earlier this month, we now have more good news.
Germany, Poland, Spain, and Italy have also approved the RADIAL study, and the MHRA has also let us know that we can run our proof-of-concept study in the UK.
Thank you to the RADIAL team for their hard work!

This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking under grant agreement No 831458. This Joint Undertaking receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA.
Notes for editors – not for publication
If you would like more information, please contact the spokesperson at the UMC Utrecht.
Joris Prinssen: +31 6 2571 0234